Rules & How to Play The Game of RolleyPulley
RolleyPulley is the 2-person, three-dimensional Tug of War. RolleyPulley is played with two players facing each other, standing on their own ParaRoller, while holding their end of an 8' pole. The object is to get your opponent to touch the ground with their feet before you do.
• RolleyPulley is played while wearing socks (no shoes).
• A round begins with players facing each other 8’ apart. Each player is standing on their ParaRoller while holding their end of the pole.
• There should be at least 9’ of free space in back of each player.
• There are three ways to score points:
1. Each person stands on their own ParaRoller wearing socks (no shoes). The first person to touch the floor loses the round; one point is awarded to the opponent, and a new round must begin.
2. Use one hand to hold the end of the pole, then place the other hand about 5" (or more) farther down the pole, like in the photos below. Once you place both hands on the pole and you begin to play, the hands cannot be moved. If you move the position of either hand, one point is awarded to your opponent, and a new round must begin.
3. If you step from your ParaRoller onto your opponent’s empty ParaRoller with both feet, you score an additional point.
• The first player to score 5 points wins the game.
How to Practice for Playing RolleyPulley
Walk forward and backward on the ParaRoller. The first time you try to walk on the ParaRoller, you may not be able to do it for very long at all. If you try to walk on the ParaRoller a few times a week, for a minute of so, you will rather quickly find that you are able to stay on the ParaRoller for longer periods of time. If you keep at it for a few weeks, you will be amazed at how quickly you progress. Many people use "walking forward and backward" on the ParaRoller as one of their warm up routines for their normal exercise workout.
If you are with a friend, a nice way to practice RolleyPulley is to get into the RolleyPolley position facing each other while holding the pole with both hands (see “POSITION OF HANDS ON THE POLE for playing RolleyPulley” below). Then instead of trying to push or pull each other off the ParaRoller, try to help each other stay ON the ParaRoller. One person can move forward while the other person moves backward. Then each person can switch directions. This is a great and fun way to improve your RolleyPulley skills.
At some point, when your confidence on the ParaRoller has improved, you can start really having some fun by playing the game of RolleyPulley. You will smile and laugh a lot, for sure!
POSITION OF HANDS ON THE POLE for playing RolleyPulley
• Once you place both hands on the pole and you begin to play, the hands cannot be repositioned on the pole. If you move the position of either hand, one point is awarded to your opponent.

EQUIPMENT needed to play RolleyPulley
2 ParaRollers and 1 RolleyPulley pole.
Advanced RolleyPulley
• As you develop more skill on the ParaRoller, you will find that when you play RolleyPulley, you will be able to take advantage of your whole body potential, using feet, legs, upper body and arms, in a unified, controlled way.
• There are many nuances of the game that become more apparent as your skill increases. You should be aware of these things:
- The distance your arms are from your body.
- Whether you are leaning forward or backward on the ParaRoller.
- Whether you are moving forward or backward on the ParaRoller.
You must also be aware of these things about your opponent:
- The distance your opponent's arms are from their body.
- Whether your opponent is leaning forward or backward on their ParaRoller.
- Whether your opponent is moving forward or backward on their ParaRoller.
• A short session of RolleyPulley (5 - 15 minutes) can be a very good workout!
The RolleyPulley Pole
The RolleyPulley pole is 8' long and made of PVC.
The RolleyPulley Purple Pole and the RolleyPulley Pink Pole can be unscrewed in the middle to make two 4' sections for easy transport.
The RolleyPulley Collapsible Pole consists of four sections that can be simply unscrewed in three spots and then collapsed into itself to make two 27 inch long sections for easy transport.
"How to" videos for your RolleyPulley equipment:
• How To carry all your RolleyPulley Equipment!
• (It's even easier if you have a RolleyPulley collapsible pole.)
• How to easily carry two ParaRollers.
• How to tie the cord on the end of your ParaRoller.